• Family Law

    Whether you have reached agreement with your former partner (whether defacto or married) or are in dispute on matters such as care of children, the division of property following divorce and/or separation, the support of a former spouse, relocation of yourself or your former spouse with the children to another State in Australia or outside Australia, or any other area of Family Law, as professional local Family and Divorce Lawyers, we at Dana K Legal can assist you whether by mediation, informal conference or Court representation.


Binding Financial Agreements

A Binding Financial Agreement is an agreement between de facto, soon to be married or already married couples, which is made either before, during or after their relationship.

Children Matters

Separated families who have a dispute about parenting arrangements are required to make a genuine effort (where appropriate) to resolve the dispute through Family Dispute Resolution (Mediation).

Consent Orders

If you have reached agreement with your former spouse or partner on either parenting arrangements or financial matters, or on both matters, there is a danger in leaving your agreement as an informal agreement.

Financial Matters

If you and your spouse or partner (including same-sex partners) have separated, you will no doubt be wondering how you will divide up your property and other financial assets that you had both accumulated during the time that you cohabited.

Spousal Maintenance

Where a marriage or de facto relationship has broken down, in certain circumstances, a spouse or former partner may be liable to maintain the other.

Recovery & Relocation Orders

A Recovery Order is an order of the Court that can requires a child or children to be returned to a parent, a person who has a parenting order that states the child lives with, spends time with or communicates with that person, or person who has parental responsibility for the child or children.

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    Contact us today to arrange your free initial consultation* and see just how we can help you through those otherwise complex legal situations.

    *limited to in person appointment, up to 20 mins and please refer to website special

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